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Jo Jo's Natural Market
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1459 S Otsego Ave, Gaylord, MI 49735
Mon-Fri 9-6:30, Sat 9-3
Closed Sundays
(989) 705-8500
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Ignite Your Fat Burning Torch With Smart Fats and Supplements
Most of you are probably familiar with hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, growth hormone and thyroid. But I’ll bet you’ve never considered one of the most important fat...
The Power of Probiotics
Most of these bacteria—known as probiotics—play positive roles in digesting food and fighting off illnesses, and a healthy person has billions if not trillions of them in their digestive tract. When...
Nature's Fat Fighters
Research shows these foods may help shed that weight.
Pack an Organic Lunch for Kids
If Tater Tots, pizza, and vending machine fare are on the menu at your child’s school, it’s time to reinvent the brown-bag lunch with tasty, healthy options and no-waste packaging. Take a look at our...
Organic Labels Defined
Consumers can buy USDA-certified organic products with confidence.
Look forward to aging well!
His specific extract discovered more than 40 years ago can help protect the quality of our lives now while preparing for the future, so we can look forward to aging well. Facing the realities of...
Fiber & Heart Health
You may have heard that a high-fiber diet can help maintain bowel health and keep you regular by reducing constipation. But did you also know that dietary fiber may support heart health by reducing...
Clean Up Your Laundry Habits
Question: How can you get your clothes “clean” if the laundry soap you use is “dirty,” full of extraneous stuff—fragrances, chemicals, and fabric softeners, ad nauseum? Answer: You can’t. Commercial...
BB Creams
Once upon a time, there was simply kohl. The Egyptians used it to outline their eyes for dramatic effect. It was so popular that today you can’t find an ancient tomb that doesn’t advertise the look...
Are You Lactose Intolerant?
If dairy foods don’t agree with you, you may have trouble digesting lactose, a sugar found in milk, butter, ice cream, cheese, and other foods made from milk and cream. The Missing Enzyme Your small...
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